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À Propos de Nous

About Appialuffa

Appia luffa is a Canadian company that specializes in the sale of loofah sponges, soaps and other bath accessories. We source our products directly from the producers. We carefully select all our products to maintain a high level of quality at competitive prices. Our goal is to bring original and natural products to Canadian consumers.

Our Loofah Sponge: Once wet, the Loofah Sponge becomes soft enough to perform its function. It is mainly used to exfoliate the skin. It can be used to wash your fruits and vegetables, as well as surfaces such as toilets, kitchen, pots and pans, dishes and your car. Our loofah sponges can usually be used for 4 months before needing to be replaced. Because it is fruit, our loofah is 100% biodegradable and compostable.

What is the loofah?

The loofah is a climbing plant of the cucurbit family. It is recognizable by its yellow flower, as well as its fruit that looks like a squash. The fruit itself can measure between 7 and 90 cm. It exists in different shapes and sizes and in all kinds of colors such as yellow, beige, white and brown. When ripe, the fruit is picked, skinned, seeded and dried. This is how the loofah fruit becomes the sponge that everyone knows and loves.

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